Sunday, May 31, 2009

EXPO Central China 2009

after dinner, Crystal was busy with some hand-works paper materials in our room wooden floor. she was working on it for about an hour. then she was whining and crying .. before i came to help. her creation couldn't raise-up. then i told her how to make a support for her creation. she understood. and to my surprise.. she made an 'expo booth'! she asked me to help her write in chinese for EXPO CENTRAL CHINA. 

she did go to the expo with grandpa and grandma on 26-April-2009.

吃过晚饭, 晶晶在我们房里忙了大概一个多小时,用她的手工书材料做手工。
晶晶明白了。作玩了还叫妈妈帮她写了:‘中博会’ 三个字。
真没想到 。。果然晶晶是做了一个展位!

here are some pics of the EXPO CENTRAL CHINA 2009 in Hefei. 

1 comment:

Ian's mom said...

pinter dan kreatif banget si Chrystal, Yen.. untuk anak seumuran dia... bener2 bagus lho... mirip2 juga imajinasi dia ama kenyataannya... ada bunganya gitu diatasnya... dimata dia, bunga itu yang berkesan ya...
Oya, Ian emang dah mulai diajari disekolahnya huruf yang pake centang diatasnya, cuma ya masih salah2 kok... apalagi kalau ngetik, aku yang kasih tahu caranya gimana. Trus aku tunjukin ke dia kan ada correction spelling saat dia ketik kalau salah... Krn aku aja masih susah untuk nulis bhs Perancis. Krn itu dia protes, kok aku nulisnya pake bhs Indo buat di blognya ??? ya...jawabku, kan mami nulis buat emak biar isa ikut baca... hehehe...